y photographs reflect a love for the rural landscape where I was born in upstate New York and an admiration for the "country lifestyle" that remains part of my life. Photography allows me to record the structures of an agrarian society and present to the viewer romantic images of the past. These images are sensitive, peaceful and sometimes poignantly somber. I use black and white film, creating images in the traditional wet darkroom, often sepia toning them to further enhance their warm country feel.
raveling the back roads and country lanes searching for remnants of my past, I am thrilled to find yet another old barn, farm complex or outbuilding still standing, fighting against the odds of neglect and nature reclaiming its own. Barn boards, stone foundations, irregular panes of glass, which once were strictly functional have now become beautifully decorated with wisteria vines and strings of ivy. Farm implements such as hay rakes and cutting bars sit in neglected fields like statues in an outdoor sculpture garden. Even more delightful are farm animals roaming on working small parcels of land, reminders that our agrarian heritage is still a small part of the landscape.
hrough photography I attempt to create a pleasing image that also serves as a recording of our rural history.
ublished Work:
National: American Forest Magazine and Hemmings Motor News Calendar.
Local: Kaatskill Life Magazine and Calendar (regular contributor) Newspaper articles and supplements.
"Reclamation", poems by Marcia Nehemiah, color cover and interior black and white photographs.
y photographs have been exhibited locally at the Beaverkill Gallery, in Lew Beach, NY; The Gallery At Forest Hall, in Milford, PA; The Looking Glass Gallery in Hawley, PA; the Delaware Arts Center Gallery, in Narrowsburg, NY; and the Gallery at the Blue Victorian, in Jeffersonville, NY; the Liberty Museum and Arts Center, in Liberty, NY; and the Amos Eno Gallery of Chelsey in Manhattan. I have had photographs accepted in two national juried competitions: "The Rural Outdoors" at the Catskill Arts Society, Hurleyville, NY and the "International New Talent Competition" at the 70 NW International Photography Gallery in Milford, PA.
